Friday, December 18, 2009
In the book Elie talks about how he wants to learn about his religion. As he learns more he builds a relationship with God. He thought of God before and during the Holocaust as both the protector and punisher of the Jewish people. As things start to get worser in the camps Eliezer starts to question God on why he is letting these things happen. Before, he gets closer to God but because of the tragedy he goes through he starts to wonder why these things are occuring in his life and to other people.
This connects to me in some way because sometimes in my life I feel that because of the things that happen to me I question God for a reason not to blame myself. But I sat down and revised on how and why I did what I did. The thing is, it was never God's fault it was mines all along because It wasn't my choice. God give us the right to make our own choices and that's for sure. Now I know that I will never question or blame God for what is happening to me because it is all on me. I know that I have made my mistakes and I have learned from them and through it all I know my purpose in life. I know God is real and in my heart I've accepted him as my savior. I know I am not perfect but no one is. I just thank God for giving me the chance to live.
Overall, I feel that I have connected in a way with Eliezer because we both have had our reasons to try and question God but we believe in God and have faith in him.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
My family plays such an important role in my life. They help me to stay on track. Though we may have problems our love for each other never dies. Every day I go home to a family of love that cares about me so much. I am not trying brag about my family but I wouldn't want to replace my family with any other family. My family has taught me to love, care, share, and pray. Every monday night we have family night and get together to talk about what we can do to better our family along with singing and praying. Just seeing my family getting together to share what we feel helps me open up and share what I feel. My brothers and sisters help me when ever I need them though we may argue and fight they always come through. My parents are always there no matter what the situation is and that's why I wouldn't want any other parents no matter what. I thank my family for helping and encouraging me to do better and stay on track. They give me hope to go on in life and do what God has called me to do. Thanks be to God for blessing me with such a wonderful family with love, joy, and happiness.
My friends and teachers help me stay on track. My friends have been the most loving friends I have ever met. I have learned how to choose my friends because I wouldn't want friends who would stab me in the back and use me. I have found wonderful friends who give me advice and have my back. Through everything I have been through in school they help me and teach me. As well as my teachers. I thank my teachers for teaching and helping me to get ready for the future. I know that without them we wouldn't be able to learn anything because they teach us what we need to know to help us in the future. I have had teachers give me advice to stay on track, not because they had to but because they care. I have heard some students say that teachers dont care but I say they are wrong. Teachers help us to find the key to success. Sometimes we may not like them but we need their help. So I thank all my teachers and friends for never giving up on me.
Overall, my life has been good because of the wonderful family, friends, and teachers. They helped, encouraged, teached, and showed me the meaning of life.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
In the beginning I decided to do surveys to get to know what interests my peers more between cultural music, dance, food, and language. I also wanted to know if they felt we were ethnically divided and if music impacts their lives. I gave surveys to 3 freshman classes, 3 sophomore classes, 3 junior classes, and 3 senior classes. The results were that all grades chose food and music as their most common interest. Majority of students agreed that we were ethnically divided because we came from different backgrounds. Those who disagreed say that we are all equal and have overcome being seperated by ethnicites. In my opinion we are sometimes equal but at the end of the day we go back to our own kind. I came to a conclusion between having a multi-cultural night or a talent show. Doing the surveys I decided to go with a talent show.
I will be putting together a talent show. I feel that it will help me in the future to be responsible, to build my inner personal skills, and interact with different groups of ethnicities. With the responsibilites it comes with finding performers, holding auditions, figuring out the date, place, time, and food. I will also be working on hosting this by researching on what skills and techniques a host has and interview/talk to someone who has hosted or put together something similar to what I am doing. My audience is Evergreen high school so I am searching for students around my age with talent to sing and dance. I will give out sign up sheets for the auditions and flyers a month before the auditions. From then on, I will hold auditions a month before the talent show. I will discuss with Ms. Baimes to use the cafeteria for the auditions and the talent show. At the auditions I will be timing each performer so I can determine how long it will be. The expenses would only be the food which the money would come out of my pockets (meaning my parents). It will cost at least $100-$200 dollars for food and drinks. Overall, I feel that this would benefit me in the future because it will build my character confidence and hopefully my pockets!!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
What I want to do is work with children but I do not know what I will plan to do to conquer my wants and needs. But I've researched on children's hospitals and the one hospital I've looked at is Seattle's Children Hospital Research Foundation. I didn't know where else to look so I figured any children hospital will be good because it's helping children. Seattle Children's serves as the primary pediatric referral center for the largest geographic area of any children's hospital in America. They provide family-centered care, conduct leading-edge pediatric research and serve as an advocate for child health. Their programs are ranked among the nation's best by U.S. News & World Report magazine. From all the research I've done I think that this is a good place to start at. I still don't know yet I am going to plan but I pray to God that he will help me get through this and help me succeed in finding a place where God has called me to. So for now I am just focusing on my senior project and having a little time on the side to look for what I plan to do after high school. But thanks be to God I am still living and I'll know he'll me as well as my parents. Other than that, my classes are okay. Still need to work on things to get my grade higher. I know I can do better it's just so many things I have to do. But I am trying my best to strive for the best. Overall, my life is good. I have everything I need. As long as I have God on my side I know everything is going to be okay.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
She was poor, molested at the age of five and not popular in school. I think that I can kind of relate to this story but in a different way. I was in a stage where me and my family didn't really have much money. I never got molested and I never really cared whether I was popular or not. So yeah that is way different. Everyone has their own story but I feel in some way their all the same. We all go through our problems and some of us solve them and some of us don't. I guess that's how life is. But in my opinion it's the decisions you make to get where you are. But I guess in some cases people don't really get to make a decision. There are many problems in the world that are are the most worst. Like abuse, alcohol and drug addiction, abortions, domestic violence, etc. I've researched on child abuse and my research says that nearly 3 million of children are reported to being abused every year. Reports say that "The Child Welfare League of America is the nation's oldest and largest membership-based child welfare organization and was founded in Washington DC in the year 1998. On the 27 th of April, has been launched the Children Memorial Flag Campaign to let know publicly that nearly 3 million children are reported to be abused and neglected every year. The Children Memorial Flag has been designed by a 16 y.o. Californian youth and shows five doll-like figures of children standing side-by-side, holding hands against a red backcloth. A sixth child, in the center, is represented by a thin, white chalk outline, symbolizing a child lost to violence. The “lost-child”! April has been recognised as the Child Abuse Prevention Month. All I can to this is WOW! I never knew that at least a million or more children are abused every year. I can't believe that it would happen to children at all. It makes me feel so sad and worried for the children in this world. I never seen one child in my life get abused. No child should get beat because they are only children. Who would want to hurt someone so little, cute, and young? I don't know why people do that but to all those abusers out there I hope that God will have mercy on your soul because no way will you go to heaven for being a beater. No child or anyone should be beat for nothing. I cannot understand why people do such harsh things. But I pray to God that he will help them.
This story made me think about more problems that are happening in our world. So many things are happening and sometimes it's to late to help. I wish that I could be there for those who are being beat physically and emotionally. All I can do is pray and hope that people will soon realize that abuse, abortion, alcohol, drugs, etc is not the answer. I can say that if we do those things we won't get anywhere. In this story this young girl goes through a lot but she got through it all. She came out to be a girl who was involved in so many positive things and used her childhood as a motivation to succeed in life. This story interested me because it came from someone was a lost girl and is now a happy, positive successful girl. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is a strong and true motto. Everyone has their own story, I have mines and you have yours.
Friday, November 6, 2009
All my life I grew up in church and never got the thought of doing drugs. My dad was always a pastor and being a pastor's daughter, doing drugs was officially not in my vocabulary. I've seen my family and their friends do it but I never thought of doing it because I knew what it was and what it could do. Reading this story I never thought that life could be so destroyed in a blink of an eye. It made me wonder if there are any other lives out there that are being destroyed by drugs, alcohol, etc. Life should be used in positive and healthy ways. We shouldn't do anything to hurt our bodies because God didn't form us like that. Sometimes my friends or people I knew or just met have or has offered me to smoke and drink with them but I always knew what to say. Now my friends know what the answer is to their question so they don't seem to ask at all. Even though all my friends are different from me they don't look at me as a different person. They say that I am a good influence and that I inspire them. All I can say about drugs is that I know it will not get you anywhere. I've seen so many lives be taken away because drugs did it all. But I've also thought about the people who took them, and I said to myself, maybe it was their fault because they chose to do it. But I learned that it is no ones fault because we are given a choice to either live life for God, live life better than just doing drugs or just do drugs and never move on from there. I can say that God is not forcing us to do what he wants. He is waiting for us to call on him and take Jesus Christ as a personal savior. I've been through so many things in my life but I never been through anything that had to deal with drugs and alcohol. I thank God that I am still alive and breathing.
So overall, this story helped me think more about what I want to do in life. It made me want to do better and not think about the negative things that are waiting to pull me down underground. But I know my answers to all those situations because I know the cause and effect and everything that I need to know. But I know that I won't do it because I have a choice and that choice is to live life for God and to succeed. I am not saying I'm perfect because I always want to or do the right thing. I am saying that God has gave me a choice, you too. It's up to us to decide because God is not going to force us. From reading, learning, thinking, and wondering I've become more aware of the fact that drugs is an addiction and definitely a destroyer. I've been given a chance to make the right chance and proclaim the gospel and achieve and accomplish all my goals in life.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
My teacher Ms. Hoof was a loving teacher who loved all her students and teaching the most. I had her for french class my junior year and she was such a wonderful teacher to us students. Through all her teaching I never seen her get really angry at us and start yelling. I've always seen her be such a graceful person. I remember she would always let me turn in work late even if it was like two weeks late. I am not saying she is a good teacher because she let me turn in my work because it was late. I am saying because she had a amazing heart she let me turn it in. I will always remember my french teacher Ms. Hoof who helped us and inspired us to do better in life.
When think about breast cancer or cancer the only thing that runs through my mind is death and pain. I researched on how many women dies from breast cancer I found out that women in the U.S. have a 1 in 8 lifetime chance of developing breast cancer and a 1 in 33 chance of breast cancer causing death. According to the Cancer Society, approximately 44,000 women die from breast cancer annually. I can't imagine what it would feel like going through the pain all the women who had breast cancer. I can't believe that they would have to go through it. So many questions that are wanting to be answered. So I've done some research on breast cancer and
my research shows and says that Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease with a rather unpredictable outcome and is the second leading cause of cancer death among women in the United States. Over 150,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year and 45,000 women die of this disease every year in the United States alone.
Breast cancer is a serious illness affecting not only the physical, but also the emotional well being of many women around the world.Initially, feelings of shock, devastation, disappointment, failure, guilt and/or anger are the most common presentations. Later, denial is followed by acceptance, but ultimately a certain percentage of patients experience varying degrees of anxiety and depression. Similar reactions have also been observed in recurrent breast cancer. The incidence of breast cancer in developed countries is 200 to 250 per 100,000 women per year. Despite this progress, the rate of decline in breast cancer mortality in the last 20 years has not been significant and the question of "why women die from breast cancer" remains unanswered.
My thoughts about the story of MY MOTHER has taught me that life is a precious gift that we shouldn't take for granted. It has me think more about what life has in stored for me, what God has in stored for me. Even though sometimes we may not always get what we want but yet we have everything we need I learned that I need to appreciate my parents and God for just what I have because not everyone has what I have. This story has also made me realize that I need to spend time with my mother because I don't know how much time I have left. My mother means a lot to me and if something happened to her I don't know what I would do. My time with my mother is important because I know that our bond is unbreakable. I know that no one can love my mother like I do. Through reading and learning I have come to know that no matter what nothing can stand in the way of a women of love who's love is unconditional and unstoppable.
By seeing these results, nothing but death and pain runs through my head. Just seeing and hearing women go through breast cancer makes me think that women will no longer survive as long as men. But I believe that God will help us women if we just let his son come into our lives and serve him for as long as we should live. It hurts me to see women go through this disease because women deserve to live in happiness and not always think about fear and death. Sometimes I think that maybe I will get breast cancer because sometimes things happen. But I thank God for being the loving father that he is for keeping me healthy and for letting me live this long. I just pray that all the women out there who are suffering from breast cancer, I encourage you to be strong and live life as if it is your first and last. I pray that God will destroy your disease and make you into a stronger person. I pray that every women on earth will take care of themselves and be strong for others. I know that with God everything is going to be okay. Live, laugh, and love like it is your last. God is on your side and so am I.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
My senior project was hard for me to figure out. My capstone teacher started giving out papers on what a senior project is and what we need to do. I didn't even think about it. I wasn't even trying to think about it. But time went faster and I needed to start working on my senior project. We were assigned to write a essential question about our issue in our community. But I didn't have an issue about anything. My teacher Ms. Fry helped me on it and she asked me what do I like to do. I told her that I love to sing. So we tried to figure out a question about music. We finally came down to "How can diverse cultures be united by music?" As soon as I finished writing down my question, I still didn't know what to do. But I had to do something because time was ticking.
I started thinking about throwing a music performance night. My purpose is to bring awareness of the fact that music can be appreciated productively by creating a positive outlet for the culturally diverse students at Evergreen and/or bringing together a culturally diverse audience. Basically I am uniting diverse cultures through music at Evergreen High School. We started working on our proposals but I needed to write an outline of my project. I wrote my thesis which was my essential question, then I wrote my purpose, an my process. Monday I went to the attendant at the HS3 Office and asked for a breakdown of different cultures for my research. I also came up with questions for my survey to find out what people thought about our school ethnically and what is the most common interest among a culturally diverse group of people. I passed out my surveys today to only freshman's and sophomores. My results were that the most common interest in freshman's and sophomores was food and 21 freshman's said yes to the ethnically divided and 16 to no. And for sophomores yes to 31 and 23 to no. I am still in the process of getting juniors and seniors input for my project.
After my research I am going to be working on my proposal explaining what I'm going to do for my senior project. I know that I will have to manage my time well because I not only have my senior project to work on but I have to complete my work for other classes as well. I know that this will take a lot of hard work and time but I am going to try my best to put this together and hopefully everything will turn out good. The most thing I am worried about is finding an exact date for the performance, getting help to set up for the performance and getting performers and hosts. This helps me a lot because I am learning how to prioritize myself and manage my time. So right now I am in the process of getting all the results for my research for my proposal and networking with people. I am learning more and more about myself and also others. My worries are the number of people showing up and how the people will react to the performers. But a close friend told me not to worry too much because if I over think it then I won't be able to think. That helped me and made me laugh. I am now getting more and more in to my project and hopefully I continue to keep working on my project as well as my other classes.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
So we sang songs and gave God our total praise. I felt so free and open to God during praise and worship because it was just me and him and nobody else. I felt so safe and secure because nothing was stopping me from praising my God. God made me feel safe and secure. I felt like a lot of things were lifted off of my shoulders because I knew that God took care of it. God says "Cast your burdens onto Jesus, he cares for you." Today I realized that God didn't come to save the people who are already been saved, he came to save the lost and I am one of them. God helped me and showed me.
But today was pastor appreciation day and after praise and worship my dad preached a good sermon about the plan God has in our life, and the promise he made about coming back for his people. It was such a good sermon that I understood and agreed with. Then we had communion. My dad prayed and everyone drank juice and ate bread, a symbol of God's blood and body he shed and broken for us. Then our youth choir went up to sing our song for my dad. My older sister said a few words that made everyone cry. You see my dad is such a hard working, loving, caring, and humble father to all of us. It made us cry because he has been there for us through all the times of trouble we had. Even though we are different people doing things that he doesn't agree with, my dad is always there no matter what the situation is. As well as the first lady, my wonderful mother. The lady of the house who does everything for us. We love her so much. So we lei'd both of our parents and gave them a hug and kiss. And continued to sing our song. That's when everyone started balling. I shot a quick glance at my brother and he was crying. It made me cry even more because I never seen that side of him. I love my brothers with all my heart. I know there are sometimes they act like they don't care but deep inside I know they do. I love my family from the bottom of my heart. Especially my parents.
Today was an emotional day. My parents have done a lot for me and my brothers and sisters. They have been through a lot. And today I told myself I didn't want to put them through anymore. I want to take care of my parents the way they took care of me. I know that someday it will happen. It will switch around. I will take care of my parents. I love them and my family as well. I thank God for blessing me with parents that love me for who I am and not the bad things I've done. I thank God for being the loving father he is, for just giving me a family who supports me through all that I go through, my parents for just being there 24.7. Everyday day. Non-stop. I respect my parents and love them. And I thank God everyday for blessing me. I would never want to replace them because there all I want and have.
We were suppose to have practice at two for our worship team tomorrow for church. We were waiting for my cousins to show up and it was already passed two three and I guess she called my cousins telling them that we start practice at 3. So my cousins got to the house waiting for practice to start and they asked me where my sister was and I didn't even notice that she was gone until they told me. So while I was laying there my sister called yelling at me asking me why, why we didn't start practice and I told her we were waiting of her. So she said to start without her and my guess was that she was going to be late. But anyways I went downstairs and my brother, cousin and I was practicing this special song that the choir is going to sing for our pastor's appreciation day. And it was okay. Then my sister came home and after getting the order and the voices of the song for the choir, everyone came down for practice. I sang the ad libs of the song and I thought it was okay. I thought our practice was okay but I thought it could of been better.
So later after our choir practice we had our worship team practice because we only practiced our youth choir song. But we ran through some old songs. It was very old fashioned to me but we didn't have a lot of time because people had things to do. So we ran through a lot of old songs. It was good and funny because we were enjoying each other's company just singing and laughing together, moving to the sound of the piano. I had a great time spending time with my family.
So after our practice we got ready for the UGM's hallelujah night. It started at 6 like white center's and we were late again and left from the house around 7:30. When we got there it was so crowded and decorated. It was big, there were games in different rooms. The biggest place where they had it at was in the gym. There was a lot of games, food, people, and especially good candy. I thought like wow this looks fun. And when we got in the gym there were a of kids and people were giving, well throwing things like stuffed animals, candy, socks, and other things. There was also a dance competition and this lady was dressed as a angel who looked 40. It was so funny the way she was dancing. Everything was fun and exciting. I enjoyed my time there because it wasn't like the one I went to the day before. I like it because they had things to keep people and the kids going. There were a lot of games, dance-offs, give-aways, costume contests, food, and candy. I just liked the fact that I got to have fun with my sisters and little nieces and I'm happy they got to have fun too. They loved it and got a lot of candy. So after that it finished and we left and talked about how fun it was. Me and my sisters went bowling just for a girls night out and had fun. Then we came home and I had to write down the songs to put on the transparency. My sisters and I had to fix the candy lei's and bags for my dad and the little kids. We were suppose to have our own hallelujah but we didn't have time for setting up so we decided to go to other churches hallelujah night. So then we had to put together a lot chips, cookies, and candies together for the little kids tomorrow. There was a lot to do. But we finished it and now I am tired. I want to sleep. But I just wanted to share what I did today and I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween because I did!!!
Got ready to go to white center assembly of God's hallelujah night..
and when we got there we stopped by this lady who sold musubi'z which is rice with spam and sea weed. It was so good!!! I haven't ate that since I've been in Hawaii. But anyways we bought a lot and ate it. I know its kind of weird of me telling you of what I ate but I have always love musubi'z. But that's not my main point of what I'm going to tell you about.
So yesterday we went to the hallelujah night.
If you don't know what hallelujah night it is a christian positive celebration. We don't call it Halloween night because it is a positive way of celebrating Halloween but in the way of God. We were late because it started at 6 and we got there like around 7:30 and all the games were just about finished. It was okay. Because they have it every year, last years was way better. It was bigger, there were more games, more people, more excitement, more candy, and more things to do. This year I'm not going to say it was the worst thing I've ever been to because it wasn't but it wasn't as good as I thought it was. I didn't want to let the way I felt about the way things were going stop me from enjoying my night.
During the time I was there with my family I seen this girl that I know from school. We seen each and greeted each other and said hi. The weird thing is that she came up to me and hugged me. It was weird because it was the first time she hugged, she never hugged me in school. After that I thought it was just for show because my family was there. I felt so disappointed because of the way she treated me at school and out of school. The second weird thing is I seen her again and she hugged me again. I was like what is this girl doing. But I wasn't going to let that stop me from going on with the okay night that I was kind of enjoying.
You see there are some things about certain people that I've learned. They act so nice to your face but when you turn your back on them they act so cruel and brutal. I know everyone knows that but ever since I've moved up here I've noticed that certain people are like that. How would I put it?, FAKE. There you go, FAKENESS and PHONINESS. Back at home in Cali, I've never had a problem or drama with anybody. My family and I never had drama with anyone. But ever since I've moved up here to Seattle, I've come to know and learn that they're are a bunch of certain people that I know and met are just backstabbers and liars. I am not saying that Seattle is a bad place and no one should move here. I know that everyone has their lieing and back stab moments but the people that I've known and met, some of them have been nothing but backstabbers and liars. But I've learned to just put them behind me because I know what I'm putting in front of me. But anyways, last night I just felt so dishonest with her because to me it was just a show. I don't know what it meant to her but that's how I felt.
I guess what I am saying that this hallelujah night made me realize who really are my friends and who aren't. I guess I'll just have to find out more about my friends so I know who is real and who isn't. You know I've learned that sometimes, most of the time, or all the time, your friends isn't always going to be there. The ones who are always going to be there is your family. God especially. I've been told that family comes first and God comes always. To me friends are there just for the time being, but family and God are always there. Overall, living my life has been such a roller coaster but I've learned things that helped me overcome my challenges, I've helped myself become a stronger person in times of trouble, I've been able to unlock doors that I couldn't open. I just thank my family and God for everything because they are always there every step of the way. So I hope everyone had a exciting positive hallelujah night!!!!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
And my sister told me that we were doing a song for my dad.. She told me I'm doing a solo to a song called "LOOK AT ME"
I told her I love that song but I didn't want to solo it...
But I had no choice because no one else was going to do it..
All my family got together..
My brother played the piano and my uncle played the base..
We didn't have any mikes or drums so we had to use what we had..
When my sister taught the words of the song it was easy because everyone was just learning the song..
But as soon as we learned the song and voices, it was so hard because everyone was singing different voices and singing the song in their own way. It was hard to try and sing the song while others were singing their own version. It was funny at first but time was running and people had things to do. So we all sat down and figured out what voice was wrong and how the song really went. It took a lot of time to get everything together but we managed to sing the right notes and sing the song right.
So after we had finished, my sister made announcements..
She had told us if we could pitch in $1-$5 for my dad...
Anything that we could give him from our heart.
It was okay if we didn't have anything to give but at least something that he would love because it was from us..
The thing is my dad doesn't know about it..
So I'm guessing he is going to be really surprised and happy..
I can't wait to see his face!!!
So Pastor appreciation day is when everyone gets together and appreciate the Pastor for all his hard work for leading the church under God.
Being the person to lead the people to God's kingdom.
We are going to make leis and give money for being a wonderful father,friend,teacher,preacher, and Pastor.
I love my dad because he inspires me to do better.
I know that we all go through our ups and downs but I thank my father because he is always there to love and support us. Especially God. I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful working and dedicated father who has the heart to reach out to those who are lost and guide them to God's kingdom. I thank God for giving me a father who is the only working one in the house, who provides for all of us kids. I know sometimes we may not show or tell him we love him. But from the bottom of my heart DAD I love you so much words cannot explain the way I feel.
I know that God has blessed me with such a wonderful family, though there are difficult times he has taught us how to stay and be as one.
God has given me the most wonderful family I could ever have.
I know that they're are others who want more but I say that what more could you have if you have such a wonderful family to go home to with welcoming arms. People who love and care about you. I don't worry about other families because mines is all that matters to me. So I thank God for blessing me with a family who loves me and a father who supports, teaches, cares, inspires, motivates and love me for who I am.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
My sister had told me that grandpa almost lost his life..
I wanted to cry so bad but I held my tears back.
The doctors said that his blood and sugar rate was to low, they told her to try to keep him up
She had told me that she was crying because she wasn't ready to let him go...
No one was ready to let him go....
She told me that papa had told her "I'm ready to go home, let me go."
My sister was trying her best to keep because once he falls asleep, that's it..So she tried everything and everything she did made him stay up.
I wanted to see my papa so bad because I didn't know if that was the last I would see him...
My mom had told me and my sisters to stay home but we told her we wanted to see him....
She understood and let us go....
When we got there we were so happy that he was awake and happy...
I'm so glad that he was okay...
I told him hi and that I was glad to see him and that I love him....
I couldn't imagine what my family and I would do if he was gone...
So right now the important thing for our family to do is spend a lot of time with him because in the end when he is gone, we know that we had our time with him and that we won't mourn a lot because of the time we didn't spend with him, and we would be so happy because we know where he is going to be.
So last night, we cooked food to take to the hospital.
Me and my family and my papa all ate in the waiting room.
My papa is the only grandparent that I have left and I intend to spend all the time I have with him.
I never knew my other grandparents like my papa.
That is why I love him so much because he is such a wonderful person.
Though he is old and weak, he is much more than that.
He makes me and my family laugh when were so mad, and feeling sad,
Sometimes he would get mad but then like 5 seconds after he would start laughing. We don't know when he is mad or happy but it makes us laugh even more because he has that sense of humor everyone loves.
No matter what I will always love my papa.
Until his dying day I will do what ever it takes to be there for him.
When he needs a back or leg massage, I will be there.
When he's in pain, I will be there.
When he needs someone to talk stories with, I will be there to listen and laugh.
I love my papa so much that right now I am not ready to let him go.
But no one knows his time but God.
So I will do what ever I can to be the great granddaughter he never had.
I am not saying that he will love me more but some of us will not be there so I will do my best.
So today when I came home from throwing up at school.
Yes I was sick but I am doing fine now.
I came home and my mom was cleaning my papa's room.
I asked her when he's coming home, she told me today.
I was so happy!!!! I couldn't find the words to describe how I felt
but I was so excited and happy because I was glad that he was okay to come home and be home with us..
I gave him a big hug and kiss right when he came home..
I laughed and told him hi and that I missed him.
I am so happy that my papa doesn't have to be so stuck in the hospital..
I am glad that he gets to spend the time he has with all of us..
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I know this is the section where i write about me and my family but I choose to write about my creator who made me knew me and formed me,moded me,delievered,restored,and renewed me,fallen from the grace of God who hasnt!?!. I've made terrible and regrettable mistakes and hurt a lot of people along the way. Hard to even bare some days. I've fallen multiple times.only this fall was different, I didnt pick myself up, God did that for me.
It was hard to get up on my own but nothings too hard for my God and so I give God the up most praise f0r welcoming me back into his sweet embrace. How magnificent and majestic is my king. that he is faithful even when I'm not that he is just to forgive me for my sins if I confess with my whole heart. I thank God that as far as the east is from the west he remembers my sins no more. I thank my God everyday that his mercy is new everyday and his grace is sufficient for me. I thank my God that his anger last only for a moment but his favor last a lifetime. How foolish of me to take God's love for granted. That it took me to get to where I am now to actually believe it,to recieve it.
How wide,big,long,deep,everlasting,unconditi0nal,and abounding is God's love for us. No one will love you like God does. There is no one who will love and can ever love you more than God. Don't you ever depend on anybody. People will always disappoint you. Trust in God. He will be there for you if ever y0ur feeling lost,lonely,confused,broken,tempted and tried. Run in the shelter of the most high and trust in him because only God will come through for you. I had once put my trust in people only for them to fail me in the end. No more do I live to please man. I now seek to know the will of my father. I pray you will too. I pray you know how much God loves you, that he gave his only son to die on the cross for your sins so that your sins may be forgiven.God is crying out for his people to return to him.
Your probably saying wat? Is she a preacher now? No. Im not. Just someone whose been given a second chance, someone whose been forgiven and have been justified by grace and what Jesus did on the cross, someone whose not ashamed of the gospel. The good news, salvation to those who believe. Jesus did not come to save those who have already been saved. He came to save those who are lost. We all are lost but thanks be to God that we are founded and established in Christ.that we have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb.
To those who are saved I pray that you keep pressing forward. I to still struggle and go through ups and downs and want to give up but its only because I war with this flesh but I have faith that can move mountains I have God who has given me that faith to move it. I've decided to not look back anymore and so I press on to the goal that awaits me. To Jesus that has gone to prepare a place for me, to those who have backslidden. Come back to your first love. God says that it is better to not know the word than t0 know it and still be in the dark. T0 those who havent accepted Jesus as your personal lord and saviour, I pray that you do. On the outside I am the same person but on the inside I am somebody so much better than I was before. God has changed me and I am becoming the person God destined me to become. We all have been destined to become great. I dont live my life for me for it is not my life to live. Delight yourself in the lord and he will grant you all of your hearts desires.
For i know that this is only temporary and I pray that you know and believe it too. GOD is REAL,JESUS is REAL,SALVATION is REAL. GOD LOVES YOU and HES WAITING FOR YOU TO COME TO HIM. HE WANTS TO TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE. For he knows the plans he has for you declares the lord. Plans not to harm you but to prosper you in your final outcome. GIVE YOUR LIFE TO GOD AND WATCH HIM WORK IN YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES when God says he will do what he says hes going to do it. Than trust and believe that God is going to do it. He's done it for me and he will do the same for you. Family and God is all that matters to me. I choose not to befriend nobody for I have a bestfriend. A friend who sticks closer than a brother. The rest i leave it all up to God. Forgive, love, learn,and most importantly, laugh. Last but certainly not the least, smile. Jesus loves you and so does me.
We are so happy and blessed to have found a place where we can call a church. We thank God for everything he has done. Having it in our house, me and my siblings were kind of slacking on dressing up for church or even going to church because of the fact that it was in our house. It felt as if we weren't having church because it was in our house. But because God blessed us with a place to go to church to, we've become more better at presenting ourselvs and attending church.We have come to know that no matter where we are, we are always suppose to give God all the glory and the praise.
All my life I never thought that being a pastors daughter would be a lot of work. It takes a lot of faith and trust to have God as my personal Lord and saviour. I didn't choose to be a pastors daughter but I know that God has blessed me with wonderful parents and brothers and sisters. I know that they're maybe trials and tribulations but I know that God will help us overcome them. Now that we have a place for church, we thank God for all his blessings. We thank God for healing, protecting, providing, and blessing us with a place where we get to Praise and Worship him. We thank him for giving us a place we get to call the Good Samaritan Worship Center at South Park.
Thursday, October 22, 2009

My papa is 79 years old . The last time I remember my papa in the hospital was when he had a minor stroke about two years ago. From then on, he has never been to the hospital for a long time since his minor stroke. And so yesterday my sisters and I went to the hospital to see him. We waited in the waiting room while my sister went in first to see him. He was sleeping so I didn't want to bother waking him up. The doctors told us that we had to wait until he was admitted to find him a room. So during that time I did my homework and thought only about my papa. Finally they found a room and we went up to see him. I walked in and seen him lying on the bed remembering back 2 years ago when he was lying the same way with all the wires strapped to his body and face on the hospital bed. It hurt me to see him there because I was afraid it was the last time I would see him. So I went up to him and gave him a hug and kiss and told him that he worried me and that I was scared. He told me "Pray for me." I wanted to cry so bad but I found the courage to hold my tears from falling. I told him "Okay papa, you be strong. I love you." "I love you too" he said.
All that worried and scared feeling in me faded away but I feel like its still there waiting to eat me up. But I believe in my heart that my papa will do well and live well. I love my papa with all my heart. He has made me laugh and enjoy every second I'm with him. Though there were hard times he had to deal with he still came through. I believe and pray to GOD that everything will be okay. For the time being he is alive and well until GOD calls him to go home. I love my papa and always will. In the Bible in the book Philippians 4:13 it says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I believe that if you believe and trust in GOD anything is possible. I know my papa believes in GOD and I know that GOD will give him the strength to survive. I love my papa dearly and I always will. I know that he will never fail with GOD on his side.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My family and I decided that we would drive out there to California for her funeral because there was no way we could afford to go on a plane. My father and mother wasn’t sure at first whether we should go because money wise but they made their decision and so we all packed up and drove there with two cars. When we got there we were so excited to see everyone. I mean my whole family was there. We spent all the time we had with our family. Then came the funeral day, the hardest part everyone had to deal with. It was the craziest and biggest funeral I have ever been to. The first day of the funeral everything had gone good just like every other funeral. Everyone shed tears especially when her slide show was shown. The next day it went crazy. As soon as it was time to close the coffin, everyone screamed, cried, and tried to keep it open because no one was ready to let her go. This has been the most difficult time in my life that I had to deal with. It was an eye opener for everyone. I will always remember that no matter what happened to my cousin no one can say anything about whether her destination is in heaven or hell. We'll have to leave that up to GOD. I will miss our family tyz princess and she will always be loved and remembered today, now, and forever. Through the heartache and pain my family went through we have realized that our dear sister, cousin, and niece has brought our family together as one. Sulu Meafua I will always love you from the bottom of my heart...Though you left too soon. You will always be in my heart. R.I.L FAMILY TYZ PRINCESS!!!