Thursday, October 29, 2009
And my sister told me that we were doing a song for my dad.. She told me I'm doing a solo to a song called "LOOK AT ME"
I told her I love that song but I didn't want to solo it...
But I had no choice because no one else was going to do it..
All my family got together..
My brother played the piano and my uncle played the base..
We didn't have any mikes or drums so we had to use what we had..
When my sister taught the words of the song it was easy because everyone was just learning the song..
But as soon as we learned the song and voices, it was so hard because everyone was singing different voices and singing the song in their own way. It was hard to try and sing the song while others were singing their own version. It was funny at first but time was running and people had things to do. So we all sat down and figured out what voice was wrong and how the song really went. It took a lot of time to get everything together but we managed to sing the right notes and sing the song right.
So after we had finished, my sister made announcements..
She had told us if we could pitch in $1-$5 for my dad...
Anything that we could give him from our heart.
It was okay if we didn't have anything to give but at least something that he would love because it was from us..
The thing is my dad doesn't know about it..
So I'm guessing he is going to be really surprised and happy..
I can't wait to see his face!!!
So Pastor appreciation day is when everyone gets together and appreciate the Pastor for all his hard work for leading the church under God.
Being the person to lead the people to God's kingdom.
We are going to make leis and give money for being a wonderful father,friend,teacher,preacher, and Pastor.
I love my dad because he inspires me to do better.
I know that we all go through our ups and downs but I thank my father because he is always there to love and support us. Especially God. I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful working and dedicated father who has the heart to reach out to those who are lost and guide them to God's kingdom. I thank God for giving me a father who is the only working one in the house, who provides for all of us kids. I know sometimes we may not show or tell him we love him. But from the bottom of my heart DAD I love you so much words cannot explain the way I feel.
I know that God has blessed me with such a wonderful family, though there are difficult times he has taught us how to stay and be as one.
God has given me the most wonderful family I could ever have.
I know that they're are others who want more but I say that what more could you have if you have such a wonderful family to go home to with welcoming arms. People who love and care about you. I don't worry about other families because mines is all that matters to me. So I thank God for blessing me with a family who loves me and a father who supports, teaches, cares, inspires, motivates and love me for who I am.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
My sister had told me that grandpa almost lost his life..
I wanted to cry so bad but I held my tears back.
The doctors said that his blood and sugar rate was to low, they told her to try to keep him up
She had told me that she was crying because she wasn't ready to let him go...
No one was ready to let him go....
She told me that papa had told her "I'm ready to go home, let me go."
My sister was trying her best to keep because once he falls asleep, that's it..So she tried everything and everything she did made him stay up.
I wanted to see my papa so bad because I didn't know if that was the last I would see him...
My mom had told me and my sisters to stay home but we told her we wanted to see him....
She understood and let us go....
When we got there we were so happy that he was awake and happy...
I'm so glad that he was okay...
I told him hi and that I was glad to see him and that I love him....
I couldn't imagine what my family and I would do if he was gone...
So right now the important thing for our family to do is spend a lot of time with him because in the end when he is gone, we know that we had our time with him and that we won't mourn a lot because of the time we didn't spend with him, and we would be so happy because we know where he is going to be.
So last night, we cooked food to take to the hospital.
Me and my family and my papa all ate in the waiting room.
My papa is the only grandparent that I have left and I intend to spend all the time I have with him.
I never knew my other grandparents like my papa.
That is why I love him so much because he is such a wonderful person.
Though he is old and weak, he is much more than that.
He makes me and my family laugh when were so mad, and feeling sad,
Sometimes he would get mad but then like 5 seconds after he would start laughing. We don't know when he is mad or happy but it makes us laugh even more because he has that sense of humor everyone loves.
No matter what I will always love my papa.
Until his dying day I will do what ever it takes to be there for him.
When he needs a back or leg massage, I will be there.
When he's in pain, I will be there.
When he needs someone to talk stories with, I will be there to listen and laugh.
I love my papa so much that right now I am not ready to let him go.
But no one knows his time but God.
So I will do what ever I can to be the great granddaughter he never had.
I am not saying that he will love me more but some of us will not be there so I will do my best.
So today when I came home from throwing up at school.
Yes I was sick but I am doing fine now.
I came home and my mom was cleaning my papa's room.
I asked her when he's coming home, she told me today.
I was so happy!!!! I couldn't find the words to describe how I felt
but I was so excited and happy because I was glad that he was okay to come home and be home with us..
I gave him a big hug and kiss right when he came home..
I laughed and told him hi and that I missed him.
I am so happy that my papa doesn't have to be so stuck in the hospital..
I am glad that he gets to spend the time he has with all of us..
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I know this is the section where i write about me and my family but I choose to write about my creator who made me knew me and formed me,moded me,delievered,restored,and renewed me,fallen from the grace of God who hasnt!?!. I've made terrible and regrettable mistakes and hurt a lot of people along the way. Hard to even bare some days. I've fallen multiple times.only this fall was different, I didnt pick myself up, God did that for me.
It was hard to get up on my own but nothings too hard for my God and so I give God the up most praise f0r welcoming me back into his sweet embrace. How magnificent and majestic is my king. that he is faithful even when I'm not that he is just to forgive me for my sins if I confess with my whole heart. I thank God that as far as the east is from the west he remembers my sins no more. I thank my God everyday that his mercy is new everyday and his grace is sufficient for me. I thank my God that his anger last only for a moment but his favor last a lifetime. How foolish of me to take God's love for granted. That it took me to get to where I am now to actually believe it,to recieve it.
How wide,big,long,deep,everlasting,unconditi0nal,and abounding is God's love for us. No one will love you like God does. There is no one who will love and can ever love you more than God. Don't you ever depend on anybody. People will always disappoint you. Trust in God. He will be there for you if ever y0ur feeling lost,lonely,confused,broken,tempted and tried. Run in the shelter of the most high and trust in him because only God will come through for you. I had once put my trust in people only for them to fail me in the end. No more do I live to please man. I now seek to know the will of my father. I pray you will too. I pray you know how much God loves you, that he gave his only son to die on the cross for your sins so that your sins may be forgiven.God is crying out for his people to return to him.
Your probably saying wat? Is she a preacher now? No. Im not. Just someone whose been given a second chance, someone whose been forgiven and have been justified by grace and what Jesus did on the cross, someone whose not ashamed of the gospel. The good news, salvation to those who believe. Jesus did not come to save those who have already been saved. He came to save those who are lost. We all are lost but thanks be to God that we are founded and established in Christ.that we have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb.
To those who are saved I pray that you keep pressing forward. I to still struggle and go through ups and downs and want to give up but its only because I war with this flesh but I have faith that can move mountains I have God who has given me that faith to move it. I've decided to not look back anymore and so I press on to the goal that awaits me. To Jesus that has gone to prepare a place for me, to those who have backslidden. Come back to your first love. God says that it is better to not know the word than t0 know it and still be in the dark. T0 those who havent accepted Jesus as your personal lord and saviour, I pray that you do. On the outside I am the same person but on the inside I am somebody so much better than I was before. God has changed me and I am becoming the person God destined me to become. We all have been destined to become great. I dont live my life for me for it is not my life to live. Delight yourself in the lord and he will grant you all of your hearts desires.
For i know that this is only temporary and I pray that you know and believe it too. GOD is REAL,JESUS is REAL,SALVATION is REAL. GOD LOVES YOU and HES WAITING FOR YOU TO COME TO HIM. HE WANTS TO TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE. For he knows the plans he has for you declares the lord. Plans not to harm you but to prosper you in your final outcome. GIVE YOUR LIFE TO GOD AND WATCH HIM WORK IN YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES when God says he will do what he says hes going to do it. Than trust and believe that God is going to do it. He's done it for me and he will do the same for you. Family and God is all that matters to me. I choose not to befriend nobody for I have a bestfriend. A friend who sticks closer than a brother. The rest i leave it all up to God. Forgive, love, learn,and most importantly, laugh. Last but certainly not the least, smile. Jesus loves you and so does me.
We are so happy and blessed to have found a place where we can call a church. We thank God for everything he has done. Having it in our house, me and my siblings were kind of slacking on dressing up for church or even going to church because of the fact that it was in our house. It felt as if we weren't having church because it was in our house. But because God blessed us with a place to go to church to, we've become more better at presenting ourselvs and attending church.We have come to know that no matter where we are, we are always suppose to give God all the glory and the praise.
All my life I never thought that being a pastors daughter would be a lot of work. It takes a lot of faith and trust to have God as my personal Lord and saviour. I didn't choose to be a pastors daughter but I know that God has blessed me with wonderful parents and brothers and sisters. I know that they're maybe trials and tribulations but I know that God will help us overcome them. Now that we have a place for church, we thank God for all his blessings. We thank God for healing, protecting, providing, and blessing us with a place where we get to Praise and Worship him. We thank him for giving us a place we get to call the Good Samaritan Worship Center at South Park.
Thursday, October 22, 2009

My papa is 79 years old . The last time I remember my papa in the hospital was when he had a minor stroke about two years ago. From then on, he has never been to the hospital for a long time since his minor stroke. And so yesterday my sisters and I went to the hospital to see him. We waited in the waiting room while my sister went in first to see him. He was sleeping so I didn't want to bother waking him up. The doctors told us that we had to wait until he was admitted to find him a room. So during that time I did my homework and thought only about my papa. Finally they found a room and we went up to see him. I walked in and seen him lying on the bed remembering back 2 years ago when he was lying the same way with all the wires strapped to his body and face on the hospital bed. It hurt me to see him there because I was afraid it was the last time I would see him. So I went up to him and gave him a hug and kiss and told him that he worried me and that I was scared. He told me "Pray for me." I wanted to cry so bad but I found the courage to hold my tears from falling. I told him "Okay papa, you be strong. I love you." "I love you too" he said.
All that worried and scared feeling in me faded away but I feel like its still there waiting to eat me up. But I believe in my heart that my papa will do well and live well. I love my papa with all my heart. He has made me laugh and enjoy every second I'm with him. Though there were hard times he had to deal with he still came through. I believe and pray to GOD that everything will be okay. For the time being he is alive and well until GOD calls him to go home. I love my papa and always will. In the Bible in the book Philippians 4:13 it says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I believe that if you believe and trust in GOD anything is possible. I know my papa believes in GOD and I know that GOD will give him the strength to survive. I love my papa dearly and I always will. I know that he will never fail with GOD on his side.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My family and I decided that we would drive out there to California for her funeral because there was no way we could afford to go on a plane. My father and mother wasn’t sure at first whether we should go because money wise but they made their decision and so we all packed up and drove there with two cars. When we got there we were so excited to see everyone. I mean my whole family was there. We spent all the time we had with our family. Then came the funeral day, the hardest part everyone had to deal with. It was the craziest and biggest funeral I have ever been to. The first day of the funeral everything had gone good just like every other funeral. Everyone shed tears especially when her slide show was shown. The next day it went crazy. As soon as it was time to close the coffin, everyone screamed, cried, and tried to keep it open because no one was ready to let her go. This has been the most difficult time in my life that I had to deal with. It was an eye opener for everyone. I will always remember that no matter what happened to my cousin no one can say anything about whether her destination is in heaven or hell. We'll have to leave that up to GOD. I will miss our family tyz princess and she will always be loved and remembered today, now, and forever. Through the heartache and pain my family went through we have realized that our dear sister, cousin, and niece has brought our family together as one. Sulu Meafua I will always love you from the bottom of my heart...Though you left too soon. You will always be in my heart. R.I.L FAMILY TYZ PRINCESS!!!