Friday, December 18, 2009


In my english class we are learning and reading about the Holocaust that happened 1941. We have been having discussions and seminars about this book called Night. About a young boy who is now older name Elie Wiesel that went through Holocaust. When Wiesel was 15, he and his family were forced by Nazis into a Jewish ghetto and then deported to Auschwitz–Birkenau. His mother and younger sister, Tzipora, were killed at Auschwitz. He and his father survived together for one year, but his father died shortly before American troops liberated the camp. Eliezer talks about his experience during the Holocaust.

In the book Elie talks about how he wants to learn about his religion. As he learns more he builds a relationship with God. He thought of God before and during the Holocaust as both the protector and punisher of the Jewish people. As things start to get worser in the camps Eliezer starts to question God on why he is letting these things happen. Before, he gets closer to God but because of the tragedy he goes through he starts to wonder why these things are occuring in his life and to other people.

This connects to me in some way because sometimes in my life I feel that because of the things that happen to me I question God for a reason not to blame myself. But I sat down and revised on how and why I did what I did. The thing is, it was never God's fault it was mines all along because It wasn't my choice. God give us the right to make our own choices and that's for sure. Now I know that I will never question or blame God for what is happening to me because it is all on me. I know that I have made my mistakes and I have learned from them and through it all I know my purpose in life. I know God is real and in my heart I've accepted him as my savior. I know I am not perfect but no one is. I just thank God for giving me the chance to live.

Overall, I feel that I have connected in a way with Eliezer because we both have had our reasons to try and question God but we believe in God and have faith in him.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Well first of all I would like to thank God for all that he has done. Throughout my time being here in Seattle I've learned so many things about myself and others. This is my senior year. It has been so hard because of the way my freshman year turned out. But that hasn't stopped me to continue to succeed in life. I thank God, my family and my friends (who are practically my family) for helping and encouraging me to keep going. I know that sometimes I became so lazy to do anything because I didn't seem to care but my mind has been made up to change the way I do things.

My family plays such an important role in my life. They help me to stay on track. Though we may have problems our love for each other never dies. Every day I go home to a family of love that cares about me so much. I am not trying brag about my family but I wouldn't want to replace my family with any other family. My family has taught me to love, care, share, and pray. Every monday night we have family night and get together to talk about what we can do to better our family along with singing and praying. Just seeing my family getting together to share what we feel helps me open up and share what I feel. My brothers and sisters help me when ever I need them though we may argue and fight they always come through. My parents are always there no matter what the situation is and that's why I wouldn't want any other parents no matter what. I thank my family for helping and encouraging me to do better and stay on track. They give me hope to go on in life and do what God has called me to do. Thanks be to God for blessing me with such a wonderful family with love, joy, and happiness.

My friends and teachers help me stay on track. My friends have been the most loving friends I have ever met. I have learned how to choose my friends because I wouldn't want friends who would stab me in the back and use me. I have found wonderful friends who give me advice and have my back. Through everything I have been through in school they help me and teach me. As well as my teachers. I thank my teachers for teaching and helping me to get ready for the future. I know that without them we wouldn't be able to learn anything because they teach us what we need to know to help us in the future. I have had teachers give me advice to stay on track, not because they had to but because they care. I have heard some students say that teachers dont care but I say they are wrong. Teachers help us to find the key to success. Sometimes we may not like them but we need their help. So I thank all my teachers and friends for never giving up on me.

Overall, my life has been good because of the wonderful family, friends, and teachers. They helped, encouraged, teached, and showed me the meaning of life.