Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Just yesterday when I came home......
My sister had told me that grandpa almost lost his life..
I wanted to cry so bad but I held my tears back.
The doctors said that his blood and sugar rate was to low, they told her to try to keep him up
She had told me that she was crying because she wasn't ready to let him go...

No one was ready to let him go....
She told me that papa had told her "I'm ready to go home, let me go."
My sister was trying her best to keep because once he falls asleep, that's it..So she tried everything and everything she did made him stay up.
I wanted to see my papa so bad because I didn't know if that was the last I would see him...
My mom had told me and my sisters to stay home but we told her we wanted to see him....
She understood and let us go....

When we got there we were so happy that he was awake and happy...
I'm so glad that he was okay...
I told him hi and that I was glad to see him and that I love him....
I couldn't imagine what my family and I would do if he was gone...
So right now the important thing for our family to do is spend a lot of time with him because in the end when he is gone, we know that we had our time with him and that we won't mourn a lot because of the time we didn't spend with him, and we would be so happy because we know where he is going to be.

So last night, we cooked food to take to the hospital.
Me and my family and my papa all ate in the waiting room.
My papa is the only grandparent that I have left and I intend to spend all the time I have with him.
I never knew my other grandparents like my papa.
That is why I love him so much because he is such a wonderful person.
Though he is old and weak, he is much more than that.
He makes me and my family laugh when were so mad, and feeling sad,
Sometimes he would get mad but then like 5 seconds after he would start laughing. We don't know when he is mad or happy but it makes us laugh even more because he has that sense of humor everyone loves.

No matter what I will always love my papa.
Until his dying day I will do what ever it takes to be there for him.
When he needs a back or leg massage, I will be there.
When he's in pain, I will be there.
When he needs someone to talk stories with, I will be there to listen and laugh.
I love my papa so much that right now I am not ready to let him go.
But no one knows his time but God.
So I will do what ever I can to be the great granddaughter he never had.
I am not saying that he will love me more but some of us will not be there so I will do my best.

So today when I came home from throwing up at school.
Yes I was sick but I am doing fine now.
I came home and my mom was cleaning my papa's room.
I asked her when he's coming home, she told me today.
I was so happy!!!! I couldn't find the words to describe how I felt
but I was so excited and happy because I was glad that he was okay to come home and be home with us..
I gave him a big hug and kiss right when he came home..
I laughed and told him hi and that I missed him.
I am so happy that my papa doesn't have to be so stuck in the hospital..
I am glad that he gets to spend the time he has with all of us..

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