Thursday, November 12, 2009


I have changed my mind about just doing music for my senior project. I am now doing music and dance. At first I thought that music was what I wanted to do because everyone listens to music and loves it. But all of a sudden dance pops up in my mind. Everyone loves to dance whether in front of people or not. I think that music and dance put together will be more entertaining and alive. I planned the date, time, and place but I got to talk to people. I need to rent out the cafeteria in Evergreen because my audience is Evergreen High School students. The time I'll have my performance at is six o'clock on Wednesday April 21st. So I've got the time, date, and place down. I just need to get performers for my project. I also have to talk to my Polynesian club to see if they can help me put this together. Everything is so hard for me because I am not managing my time but I need to work on that. I have everything I need right now. So I've made my final decision on what I want to do for my senior project. It's because it's something I love to do as well as everyone else. But I haven't decided what I'll do after I graduate. I am still asking myself that question.

What I want to do is work with children but I do not know what I will plan to do to conquer my wants and needs. But I've researched on children's hospitals and the one hospital I've looked at is Seattle's Children Hospital Research Foundation. I didn't know where else to look so I figured any children hospital will be good because it's helping children. Seattle Children's serves as the primary pediatric referral center for the largest geographic area of any children's hospital in America. They provide family-centered care, conduct leading-edge pediatric research and serve as an advocate for child health. Their programs are ranked among the nation's best by U.S. News & World Report magazine. From all the research I've done I think that this is a good place to start at. I still don't know yet I am going to plan but I pray to God that he will help me get through this and help me succeed in finding a place where God has called me to. So for now I am just focusing on my senior project and having a little time on the side to look for what I plan to do after high school. But thanks be to God I am still living and I'll know he'll me as well as my parents. Other than that, my classes are okay. Still need to work on things to get my grade higher. I know I can do better it's just so many things I have to do. But I am trying my best to strive for the best. Overall, my life is good. I have everything I need. As long as I have God on my side I know everything is going to be okay.

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